Alexandre Russel <> writes:

> Hi all,
>   I have scheduled task:
> * TODO daily work review                                             :WORK:
>   SCHEDULED: <2010-03-30 Tue +1d>
>   CLOCK: [2010-03-30 Tue 07:36]
>   - State "DONE"       [2010-03-29 Mon 09:04]
>     CLOCK: [2010-03-29 Mon 08:27]--[2010-03-29 Mon 09:04] =>  0:37
>   :LAST_REPEAT: [2010-03-29 Mon 21:31]
>   :END:
> When I C-c a a, I see the task every day but monday with for each day
> a 37mn clocksum.
> I would like:
> - to see the task on monday, marked done, with a clocksum of 37 mn
> - see the task every other day, marked todo, with a clocksum of 0mn
> (or no clocksum)
> Is it possible or do I have to go throught cloning task ?
> Note that I tried with/without the CLOCK_MODELINE_TOTAL and it has no
> influence on the clocksum.
> I am using version 6.34c

Hi Alex,

That's not how it works for me (mostly).  I have an repeated task I
clock on weekdays:

** TODO Daily Defect Review
   SCHEDULED: <2010-03-31 Wed ++1d>

It has clock entries on most weekdays and R in the agenda shows a clock
report with the correct clocked time on each day.  You can only view the
total time for everything displayed on the agenda, so if you look at a
week you'll get all of the time clocked on that week - not separate
reports for each day.

You won't get a DONE entry in your agenda for repeating tasks.  If you
need that you will have to clone the entry I think.

CLOCK_MODELINE_TOTAL only affects the time reported on the Emacs
modeline when the clock is running on that task.


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