I keep my stuff in git too, but recently I have found Dropbox very
useful. Once I discovered how to install it on my server it meant that
all my config files were automatically kept in sync on my
computers. in fact Dropbox is still great even if you don't run your
own server.
Git is still very useful for letting you easily go back if you make a
mistake, or want to start over again from an earlier version.
Even better, make a git repo in your dropbox directory. Great tastes
that taste great together!
(There's a valid question as to whether the git repo in dropbox should
be a bare repo to facilitate pushing and pulling, or a working repo so
that you can use it directly. Suggestions on this point are welcome).
I have a .git repo in my org folder inside Dropbox. It's not a bare
repo, but I do keep a bare repo on a server and I have a cron job that
automatically does a commit and pushes to my bare repo once a day.
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