I quite like Thomas' idea of packets for specific org mode uses.  As a
starting list consdier: writing for the web, writing for print, basic task
management, "full" GTD, time tracking, code/LaTeX tangling. The list could
obviously be edited down or up in length.  Each of these packets might
include Thomas' list (relevant .emacs code, sample org document, tutorial
document and a screencast.)

It's true that org is in some ways very simple (remember the 'taskpaper'
discussion of a year ago?), for basic outlining. But it's also true that the
minimal code-and-knowhow needed to do some of the specific tasks which org
has proven so good at it can be a fair hurdle for a beginner to put
together.  In this respect the raw flexibility of org-mode (exactly like
Emacs itself) has its down side.  We might be able to lower the
getting-started hurdle if we were able to tell people; "You want to do
GTD-like task management?  Look <here> and follw the recipe.  You want to
outline your writing?  Look <here>.  Heaven knows you can always tweak it
later."  I have often thought that there would be ways to get people up and
running even without the venerable Emacs tutorial.

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