Hi Chao,

I don't believe that it is currently possible to customize the file
names in the ways you have described using the standard begin_ditaa
blocks.  It is possible to have complete control over the file names
using org-babel, in which case the corresponding block would look like

#+begin_src ditaa :file communication.png :exports results

then the image will be created on export, and you can also preview the
image by pressing C-c C-o on the block.

To activate org-babel add the following to your Emacs configuration

(require 'org-babel-init)
(require 'org-babel-ditaa)

Best -- Eric

Chao Lu <looc...@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear all,
> When I'm using the ditaa in a org file called pearl.org, by
> --------
> #+begin_ditaa communication.png
> blabla
> #+end_ditaa
> --------
> It generates a file called 
> communication_5e2f49c31c46339e8e3af9ef8a2fd2dfa3d1fe74.png,
> but this picture is right located at the same file as the org 
> file(pearl.org). Is it
> possible to let it go to certain dir like the latex pictures do? And is it 
> possible to
> let the generated picture has the prefix of the org file name automatically, 
> like
> org_communication_5e2f49c31c46339e8e3af9ef8a2fd2dfa3d1fe74.png?
> Thanks,
> Chao
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