> In my view, the effort it takes to maintain such a mixed system might be
> too high. And it becomes worse when you need to exchange information
> between the two subsystems. Unfortunately I can't see an easy solution
> to this. I probably will get an iphone (or any capable portable device)
> that can run a full-featured gtd system and sync with other devices (pc,
> maybe some gtd websites etc.), ie I will go for an all-digital solution.
> I used to have a 1st gen iphone and I used the voice recording and
> camera to collect items. I have found these two features valuable ;)

I tried now for some time a pure digital way. However, at least for me that 
fails for two many reasons. 
Thus, I'm looking to strike a balance between both ways trying to grep the 
best from both sides.
Please let me add that in my personal opinion a iphone is not really a big 
help. A device without keyboard is a real pain for note-taking. I tried it 
with a keyboard based PDA. But even the simple task 
to move it out of my bag, 
switch it on, 
move to the right buffer (I even used emacs + org-mode natively),
add the note, 
switch it off, 
and put it back in the bag,
was something which prevents me to use the PDA for smaller note taking tasks. 

I guess a keyboard free system which requires you to carefully type letter for 
letter on a silkscreen is even a more worse note-taking stopper.
However, this is only my opinion 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Best regards


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