On Jan 21, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Xin Shi wrote:
Hello Experts,
I'm using Emacs 23.1.1 and org mode 6.34b. In the org file, if I
use a link say [[./link.org][test]], it will open the link.org file
in another buffer with orgmode. It will be also true, if I use [[./
link.txt][link test]], which will open a link.txt file with Text
mode. However, if I do the following:
[[./test.info][test]], it will just hang there. It seems that org
does not know how to deal with the .info suffix. Are there any way
to set the org to open different link?
I've read the org manual, but didn't find the solution. Any
Hi Xin,
one solution is to customize the variable org-file-apps and
add to an entry like this:
Choice: Value Menu Extension: \.info\'
Choice: Value Menu Visit with Emacs
Any file types that have an major-mode assigned to it using
auto-mode-alist will already be visited by Emacs automatically,
but .info is not one of those file types. So another solution
would be something like the following in your setup.
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.info\\'" . text-mode))
Actualy, this is probably the better solution.
- Carsten
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