Hi, I am trying the new emacs develop version in trunk.  I
build org-mode from git as usual.  But I just realized I am
actually using the org-mode bundled with emacs instead of
the version I installed from git.  My configuration files
are the same before and after I switched to bzr version of

Here is what I see.  After starting emacs,

GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.5) of 

I check the org-version to be

Org-mode version 6.33x

I need to run "org-reload" to make org-version to be

Org-mode version 6.34c

But restarting emacs gives me back the "6.33x".  What is the
problem?  Of course I have put my installed org-mode
directory to 'load-path and I have the line "(require
'org-install)" in my "~/.emacs".  It worked before 23.1 and
was working for me with 23.1, but not with the current
trunk.  Is there something I am missing?  Some additional
setup I should do?

Right now, I am doing "org-reload" every time I start emacs.
Should I put it in my "~/.emacs"?  It seems to me quite
unnecessary, but it is the only way to load my latest
org-mode working.

Is anyone seeing the same problem?

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