On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Richard Moreland <r...@ncogni.to> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> They are not required, but they eliminate potential problems that may
> be encountered with the simple path-based node identification scheme.
> The risk level is fairly low, and you should be fine with the force
> option disabled.
> The path-based id scheme fails if you have this:
> * Parent
> ** A name
> *** A node you didn't edit
> ** A name
> *** A node you edited
> The path to the node you edited is ambiguous and will cause a sync
> conflict.  As long as you keep this in mind, you should be fine.

So as long as I don't duplicate names in the same level, I should be
okay?  I don't see myself ever doing that anyway, so that seems
harmless enough.

Aside — there's no way to cycle the visibility of drawers to
*completely* hidden, is there?  I wouldn't mind the property drawers
as much if I could completely ignore their existence during routine
org-mode editing.  :-)

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