d.st...@gmail.com wrote:
I've been using org-mode for a little while, I've kept it really simple
for now, with only two files :
- one to act as an inbox, with remember-mode
- another where I stick just about anything that's been processed from
the inbox
This is great for managing somewhat 'actionable' items, fitting a
projects/tasks paradigm, but I keep adding things of a more general
nature, that I won't be needing on a day-to-day basis.
i.e. outlines describing a general topic, some sysadmin how-tos, reading
notes etc
I see these notes more as an archive of knowledge nuggets on selected
topics, rather than something I'd need to show up in my agenda view.
Ideally they would be heavily interlinked in a wiki fashon for easy
navigation when referring to it int he future, but I haven't put much
effort into that yet (well it's all in one file for now...).
I was wondering if anyone uses org-mode for this kind of use, and would
really be interested in reading how you maintain such a system.
I'm especially interested in methods that relate to structuring and
'querying' the knowledge base, since it's of no use if information can't
be found easily.
I have a notes.org, which is a first stage dumping ground for a remember
template. I use org refile to place my note into its correct file. I
find that using tags and sub headings makes things easy to find. If all
else fails there is always grep.
For example in my computer.org I have:
* Tips and Tricks.
** ssh
*** Force password authentication
*** Tunne Firefox over ssh
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