On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 07:14:44PM -0500, Matt Lundin wrote:
> Paul Holcomb <pholc...@cpoint.net> writes:
> >  Its great that there is a log when the DEADLINE or SCHEDULED value
> >  changes for an entry.  It would also be nice if you could remove the
> >  deadline or scheduled value using the same interface so it could be
> >  logged.
> >
> I'm not entirely sure if this is what you are asking for, but you can
> remove SCHEDULED and DEADLINE metadata by adding a prefix argument to
> C-c C-s and C-c C-d. 

 That's my fault; I wasn't very clear.  

 Here's the problem: When you remove a deadline or schedule with the
 prefix argument, it doesn't make an entry about the removed deadline
 or schedule if you have the variable org-log-redeadline or
 org-log-reschedule set to 'note, respectively.

 From a quick glance, it looks like an easy patch to org-deadline and
 org-schedule as well.  Turns out I was just thinking about it the
 wrong way yesterday.

 Thanks for your followup here.

Paul Holcomb                               *pholcomb    \@      cpoint  net*
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