Hi Baptiste,
first of all, why don't you just use not-a-lint instead of not_a_link?
Using underscore sort-of asks for problems in this context.
Also, why do you want the links to be in typewriter font? This is
unusual. Maybe instead of modifying org-emph-alist, you'd want to add
to it and create a new emphasis with is texttt but not verbatim?
it is indeed a bug that this is not exported with escaped underscores.
I have fixed this issue.
- Carsten
On Dec 23, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Baptiste Fouques wrote:
I am using Org for a while, and I actually do like it a lot. I'd like
to extend my usage a bit, but I have some difficulties with export
Basically, my point is about expanding/escaping control sequences in
latex output.
My sample org file is :
#+TITLE: Org Test
#+AUTHOR: Baptiste Fouques
#+EMAIL: b...@m4tp.org
#+DESCRIPTION: org mode link test
#+OPTIONS: ^:nil
* org-export-latex-emphasis-alist difficutlies
# <<<link_radio>>>
* Radio Link format
What I would expect as a Latex export would be :
\section{org-export-latex-emphasis-alist difficutlies}
\section{Radio Link format}
EOF ----------------
But, I naturally get
\texttt{[[link\_radio][link\_radio]]} {1}
\label{other_radio_link}other_radio_link {2}
which does not work at all as {1} is just a no-sense for LaTeX, and
{2} has not escaped the _ in plain text output (also the org header
has #+OPTIONS: ^:nil ).
I can manage to get {1} quite correct, manipulating
org-export-latex-emphasis-alist : ( ... ("=" "\\texttt{%s}" nil) ... )
but then, =not_a_link= became naturally broken ( _ are no more
escaped ... )
And I found no such parameter that can be used to manipulate radio
link export format (to get <<<oher_radio_link>>> beeing exported as
\label{other_radio_link}other\_radio\_link .
If you could help me on this issue, I will be able to use Org mode
more widely in my everyday work (and propose it to my co-worker).
Thanks a lot,
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- Carsten
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