Important question

It has some relation with other topic on the list

2009/12/21 Markus Heller <>:
> Hello all,
> please consider the following scenario:
> I have a contract with Client A; the contract is valid from January 1, 2010
> until March 31, 2010.  I want to clock all my work on tasks under this
> contract, and of course *only* while the contract is valid.  30 days before
> the expiry date, I'd like to get a reminder.
> After some googling and reading, I came up with the following for my org
> file
> * Contract A
>  <%%(diary-block 01 01 2010 03 31 2010)>
> ** TODO Renew Contract
>   DEADLINE: <2010-03-31 Wed>
> ** Task A
> ** Task B
> I want to log the hours I spend on Task A and Task B, but as mentioned
> before, *only* while the contract is valid.  How can I get orgmode to pop up
> a message in the status line (or whatever it's called :)) when I'm trying to
> clock in Task A or Task B before January 1, 2010 or after March 31, 2010?
> Any hints appreciated :)
> Thanks and Cheers
> Markus
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