On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 5:37 PM, sumeet pareek wrote:
> Thanks for the links. You must have got started with emacs way back.

I tried Emacs 20.. did not last beyond a few hours, then tried Emacs
21.. did not last beyond a day or so.  I guess I was trying too hard
to remember the key chords (and I was coming from vi.)  Then Planner
distracted me while my fingers figured out a few basics on their own
Later I found wonderful Org mode and the community of amazing people
on this list.  It was easier after that.

> I have the advantage of wealth of documentation that is there..

I find http://www.emacswiki.org and http://planet.emacsen.org/
invaluable along with the gold mine within Emacs (C-h i).


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