I don't seem able to change the size of graphics in the PDF output. #+begin_src R :file z.pdf :width 20 :height 20 :R-dev-args bg="olivedrab", fg="hotpink" plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l") #+end_src
Using this example from an earlier post, regardless of how I change the width and height settings the image in the PDF stays the same. With this next example: #+srcname:Boxplots Summary #+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both boxplot(Wingcrd,Tarsus,Head,Wt,names=c("Wingcrd","Tarsus","Head","Wt")) #+end_src If I add height and width arguments the image stays the same size regardless of settings, but the labels for the boxplots become tiny. Am I missing some code somewhere that allows the graphs to be modified. Thanks, Graham _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode