
Benjamin Andresen <be...@in-ulm.de> writes:

> I will have a look and report back with my findings!

I was relying on a variable which used to contain the value it needed,
but doesn't do any more. It was a foolish shortcut and now it uses the
official route by processing the parameters that are passed to it.

As I don't have access to the official org-mode git repo, can someone
please apply this patch for me?


P.S. I'm not committing this patch to the org-babel repo, out of fear of
merge issues later on. I guess this route is better? Thanks!

diff --git a/contrib/babel/lisp/langs/org-babel-screen.el b/contrib/babel/lisp/langs/org-babel-screen.el
index efeab23..1529ac0 100644
--- a/contrib/babel/lisp/langs/org-babel-screen.el
+++ b/contrib/babel/lisp/langs/org-babel-screen.el
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ In case you want to use a different screen than one selected by your $PATH")
 \"default\" session is be used when none is specified."
   (message "Sending source code block to interactive terminal session...")
-    (let ((socket (org-babel-screen-session-socketname session)))
+    (let* ((processed-params (org-babel-process-params params))
+           (session (first processed-params))
+           (socket (org-babel-screen-session-socketname session)))
       (unless socket (org-babel-prep-session:screen session params))
       (org-babel-screen-session-execute-string session body))))
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