Hi Carsten,

Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Nov 26, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Dan  wrote:
>> Also, I do agree with others that to the extent possible we want
>> presentations to emerge naturally out of 'normal' org-files with the help
>> of established org mechanisms such as selective subtree export. E.g. using
>> the heading title to set the column width feels wrong; the natural reaction
>> is to think that that sort of metadata should be in a property.
> OK, I hear you all pull the same string, that Org-mode files should be
> beamer presentations as they are, more or less.
> Here are some ideas in that direction:
> 1. Don't automatically use a specific headline level to create the columns
>    environment - at least make that configurable.
> 2. Make beamer export force org-export-headline-levels equal
>    org-beamer-frame-level, so that headlines below the frame level
>    automatically become itemize levels, unless modified by tags or
>    properties.
> 3. Use meta data to make headlines special, instead of mixing this stuff
>    into the. I first thought this is too hard - but maybe it is OK when
>    edited with column view? Hmm, I am only half-sold on this - properties
>    are so hard to see when you need them frequently during editing.
> Thomas asked for the possibility to export a subtree as a presentation, with
> *relative* levels determining functionality. This should be easy - when
> selection a subtree with `C-c @' and then exporting, relative levels are
> already being used now, for any kind of export.

As far as I understand, I perfectly agree with the explained approach, yes!

Thanks for all,

Sébastien Vauban

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