Markus Heller <> writes:

> Hello,
> subject says it all.  Is this the appropriate way of doing scheduling
> a 2-day event (couldn't find an example in the manual):
> * TODO Career/Training/Courses
> ** TODO Project Management Workshop
>    SCHEDULED: <2009-11-19 Thu 9:00-16:30>--<2009-11-20 Fri 9:00-16:30>
> The agenda out put (C-c a a) looks like this:
> Thursday   19 November 2009
>   ABC:       9:00-16:30 Scheduled:  TODO Project Management Workshop
>   ABC:       9:00-16:30 (1/2):  TODO Project Management Workshop
> Friday     20 November 2009
>   ABC:      (2/2):  TODO Project Management Workshop

I would just drop the SCHEDULED: part

** TODO Project Management Workshop
   <2009-11-19 Thu 9:00-16:30>--<2009-11-20 Fri 9:00-16:30>

so you don't get a duplicate entry.  I'd also drop the TODO since it's
scheduled for a block of time and when the time is gone it's done -
whether you mark it DONE or not.


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