Hi T o n g,

T o n g wrote:
> I found people are using org-mode for diary writing in recent mlist 
> archive, but wasn't able to find such tutorials. 
> Anyone can enlighten me with such tutorial, which is for org-mode newbies 
> and focusing on how to make most use of applicable org-mode features, and 
> maybe a bonus "best-practice diary writing with org-mode"?

No tutorial, but this is how I write my journal:

   (quote (("Journal" 106 "* %^{Eintrag}%?%i%&" "~/Daten/Journal.org"
            return_formated_date nil)))))

With this helper function:

;;; time and date, date in international format: YYYY-MM-DD
(defun return_formated_date ()
  (let ((time (decode-time)))
    (format "%d-%02d-%02d" (nth 5 time) (nth 4 time) (nth 3 time))))

My journal looks like this:

* 2009-11-13
*** abc
*** def


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