On 2009-11-12, Sebastian Rose <sebastian_r...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Well, I believe the problem is, that we have no simple defined comment
> start in Org-mode.

I should have realized that was possibly the problem before posting.
I thought I solved that a long time ago.  But I was not able to debug

The following seems to fix the problem without causing any problems.
You have to have my filladapt fixes.

(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "#")

In order to fix a bug a long time ago, I had that line for all text
files and not org files.  Now I think I can set it for org mode also.
In other words, somebody possibly made a change to org that fixed the

But I am not capable of investigating it further to make sure today.

> If `#' was the comment start, lines might be wrapped and stop
> working. As `#' also starts working directives, e.g. for ditaa and
> gnuplot.

Works fine with my filladapt fixes.


Q: How many CDC "scientists" does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: You only think it's dark. [CDC has denied ME/CFS for 25 years]
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