Hi Torsten,

Torsten Wagner <torsten.wag...@gmail.com> writes:

> Could you please tell me which of the branches in the babel-git includes the 
> best working version for noweb usage.

Important: The only version of org-babel that's intended for users is
the version in current org-mode. I.e. the current master branch of
Carsten's org-mode repository. The other repository (the babel repo) is
for development only. Any stable improvements in there are rapidly
merged into Carsten's repo.

> I got a bit confused with all this branches.
> Maybe I do something wrong during the installation from git. I actually only 
> run standard make; make install; 

Personally I don't bother with make or make install when switching
between git branches. I just load straight from the .el files. But like
I said, unless you're making changes to the code, just use the main
org-mode git branch in whatever way you normally would.

> and I set a symlink of the contrib folder into my .emacs.d from where emacs 
> will find the babel files. Actually I'm wondering why the contribs are not 
> copied by make into the elisp-path.
> Furthermore, I noticed that babel-git uses a complete org-mode branch for the 
> development of org-babel. Is this to keep org-mode freezed and to control 
> merging with the main org-mode developments? 
> I once read about git submodules [1]. Maybe this is interesting for org-babel.

Disclaimer: I only started using git submodules last night.

I think the main point is that the current set up means that org-mode
and org-babel share a common history of commits. My current idea of git
submodules is that I would include something as a submodule when it is a
module that gets used by multiple different projects, and so doesn't
'belong' to any project in particular. But org-babel belongs to org-mode
and has no independent existence and I think it makes sense for it to be
developed in an org-mode repo.

But away from org-mode, git submodules look really cool -- they seem to
be exactly what I was looking for to organize projects which share some
code in common.


> Thanks again for help
> Torsten
> [1] http://book.git-scm.com/5_submodules.html
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