On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 05:00:05PM +0100, Richard Riley wrote:
> The lack of sync with google contacts is a real big "minus" for bbdb :
> but I still use it over any other emacs solution for contact management.
> Possibly the best solution would be a gnus method that talks to
> evolution or google contacts directly? From that way it would be
> relatively trivial I guess to re-write as bbdb using bbdb methods.

I don't imagine the sync issue ever going away. There's no perfect
sync, even in the world of other proprietary OSes.

My ideal contact manager at the moment would have:

 - Text interface (ncurses or emacs)
 - Open backend
   - sqlite would be fine, or text tables, vcard/CSV not required
   - Bonus points for VC compatible
   - Dynamic field support & mapping
 - Perfect import/export
   - Export to CSV should include all fields
   - Exporting, clearing the DB, and reimporting should result in
     identical contacts w/ custom fields like nothing ever changed
 - Row view 
   - Customizable sorting
   - Customizable visible fields
   - Flexible searching
 - Contact view (ie: form)
 - External methods (ie: mutt query, cli search & dump)

Then there may be the ability to later bind such a program to SyncML
or another sync library to get rid of the sync issue.

My problem is atm nothing like this exists.

Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

PGP Key ID:     0x1160DCB3           http://www.adamsinfoserv.com/

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