On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> writes:
"Tim O'Callaghan" <tim.ocallag...@gmail.com> writes:
Expand the #+<KEYWORD> in-org file configuration possibilities with
a #+CONFIG or similar keyword.
The idea being to abstract more configuration into actual org files,
and let extensions have an easy way to use #+KEYWORD
configuration. I
expect it could also be used to auto-load suitably registered
So for example, my org-action-verb extension might use a line like:
#+CONFIG org-action-verb TODO|NEXT Address Ask Buy Change Clarify
Where there is handler function CONFIG:org-action-verb, that is
defined as auto-loadable and called with the rest of the line to
configure the extension.
I guess this mechanism could also be extended to abstract more
core-org configuration - such as agenda keys, stuck projects, or
what do people think?
Can you use the #+BIND: keyword to set arbitrary variables and
the same result?
If I understand it correctly, #+BIND only works for export related
Nope, it works for any variables. It is special that is *also* works
for export variables, which is complicated because the *output buffer*
is current when export happens, so local variables would be out of
- Carsten
For local options that are not part of the default in-buffer syntax, I
use Local Variables. E.g.,
| * COMMENT Local Variables
| # Local Variables:
| # org-footnote-section: "References"
| # End:
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- Carsten
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