Thanks very much for your reply Eric. So the ":results org" feature was there all along. Searching for "raw" in "org-babel.el" shows it's nicely explained in the doc-string for "org-babel-insert-result". (maybe I should have done that sooner)
I also noticed the ":results html" and ":results latex" options which look very useful. The latex option encloses the output in a #+BEGIN_LaTeX ... #+END_LaTeX block, which is nice because when the source block is re-executed, the new results replace the old results. -- Would it be possible to have something like that for "raw" or "org" mode? (Maybe that would need a #+BEGIN_org ... #+END_org kind of construct.) Also, I've been looking at #+lob: which looks like another really useful idea, and there are two things I am wondering about. -- Is it possible to use #+lob: with ":results output org" ? -- Is it possible for #+lob: to take a string argument ? The 4 examples below show things I have tried. 1. and 2. work fine. 3. and 4. are what I can't work out. Thanks for any ideas you have about these things. al -------------------------------------------------- 1. :results output org -> works -------------------------------------------------- #+srcname: randone #+begin_src ruby :results output org description = "lucky" number = 3 maximum = 100 puts "* Random numbers\n" + "Here are some #{description} numbers: " + (1..number).collect {|x| (rand * maximum).ceil }.join(", ") + "." #+end_src #+resname: randone * Random numbers Here are some lucky numbers: 48, 69, 6. -------------------------------------------------- 2. :results value -> works with #+lob: -------------------------------------------------- #+srcname: randtwo(n,max) #+begin_src ruby :results value number = n maximum = max "* Random numbers\n" + "Here are some random numbers: " + (1..number).collect {|x| (rand * maximum).ceil }.join(", ") + "." #+end_src #+lob: randtwo(n=3,max=100) #+resname: randtwo(n=3,max=100) : * Random numbers : Here are some random numbers: 14, 77, 75. -------------------------------------------------- 3. :results output org -> doesn't work with #+lob: -------------------------------------------------- #+srcname: randthree(n,max) #+begin_src ruby :results output org number = n maximum = max puts "* Random numbers\n" + "Here are some random numbers: " + (1..number).collect {|x| (rand * maximum).ceil }.join(", ") + "." #+end_src #+lob: randthree(n=3,max=10) #+resname: randthree(n=3,max=10) : nil -------------------------------------------------- 4. Not sure how to use string argument with #+lob: -------------------------------------------------- #+srcname: randfour(n,max,desc) #+begin_src ruby :results value description = desc number = n maximum = max "* Random numbers\n" + "Here are some #{description} numbers: " + (1..number).collect {|x| (rand * maximum).ceil }.join(", ") + "." #+end_src #+lob: randfour(n=3,max=100,desc="lucky") #+resname: randfour(n=3,max=100,desc="lucky") : randfour _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.