
"Eric Schulte" wrote:
> Karl Maihofer <ignora...@gmx.de> writes:
>> Am 16.10.09 11:29, schrieb Sébastien Vauban:
>>> - or, even better (as it would be install-less): a Wiki based on Org syntax
>>>    with document generation capability (button to generate a PDF).
>> Perhaps ikiwiki?
> also blorgit could be relevant http://orgmode.org/worg/blorgit.php

Thank you all for your answers.

As I am in favor of some brainless solution ;-), I first will give IkiWiki a
try. With the plugin of Manosh, and with the already built-in integration with
VC systems such as SVN (that we use at work), it seems exactly to be what I'm
looking for...

As well, moving our current Wiki (DokuWiki) to it seems feasible.

I'll give you my feedback in a couple of days, as soon as I can deploy and
test it.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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