--- Gio 15/10/09, Robin Green <gree...@greenrd.org> ha scritto:
> At Thu, 15 Oct 2009 05:26:01 -0700 (PDT),
> Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
> > I think you did not activate the calendar-diary
> > integration
> Fair enough, I didn't. But I think a more user-friendly
> error
> message should be shown. 

I think that Carsten will be only happy if a 
patch is provided. <hint> :-)

> It's normal to want to explore a
> program in this way.

Well I think that everything depends on the 
idea of 'normality' that everyone has. ;-)

In my opinion it is normal  ;-)
to read the manual *before* playing with a software.
  Or it is normal /at least/ to search the manual,
when an error occurs, before asking to the ml.

This was my normal ;-) way, when I skimmed  
the manual to answer to your question:

C-h i         (to get the info manual)
C-s Org-mod    (to jump to Org-mode manual)  [1]
C-s hol       6 times until I reached the word
              "holiday" in ch 10.3.1

   [1] this could be avoided with 
       (info (org-mode)) C-x C-e


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