org-mode files are plain text. M-% to do a replacement: once you've
entered your search term and its replacement, hit ! to replace all
without question.

2009/10/9 Robert Goldman <>:
> I'm at about my one year anniversary using Org-mode, and I have a bit of
> an odd question.  Last year, I made a subtree that was a project for
> getting ready for winter (I live in Minnesota, which has harsh winters).
> I worked my way through that list, and now I'd like to do the whole
> thing over again.
> So I'd like to copy the subtree (this I believe I can easily do), and
> then clear it.  That is, I'd like to reset all the TODOs from DONE to
> TODO, and clear all the check boxes.
> This seems like a really odd thing to do, so there probably isn't
> automation for it, but before I go groveling over it by hand, I thought
> I'd ask.
> thanks!
> R
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