Daniel Clemente <n142...@gmail.com> writes:

>   Just another off-topic but however related...:
>> C-u C-c C-x C-i i
>   What if C-u C-c C-x C-i could show, in addition to the recently
> clocked tasks, some fixed tasks from a user-defined list?
>   The dialog would be:
> Common tasks:
> [1] answer phone
> [b] breakfast
> [p] procrastinate!
> [n] think about next task to do
> [2] work on file2 a bit more
> Recently clocked in tasks:
> [a] working on this
> [b] working on that
>   That list of common tasks could even be progressively created from
> statistics of the most commonly clocked tasks.

I just use my STARTED agenda view for this.  I have a small number of
tasks in STARTED state for conveniently looking up what to clock in.  It
doesn't have a single keystroke access but the list is short enough that
I find it convenient to use.

I don't think we should pollute the recent clock list with other common
tasks.  If this is really needed then I think it would be better to be a
separate list so we don't have to share key sequence combinations etc.


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