On Sep 29, 2009, at 1:58 AM, Bastien wrote:

Sean Sieger <sean.sie...@gmail.com> writes:

I appreciate the concentrated development on Org Mode, but couldn't the subject lines of posts be reversed, or truncated to `v 6.xx' and subject first? Pardon me for being so limited, but it's a lot of news and the
lines are hard to scan.


For example, I suggest that this subject line:

 "Org-mode version 6.30trans (release_6.30d.869.g4cb3); Footnotes not
 working in figure caption"


"Footnotes not working in figure caption -- 6.30trans (release_6.30d.869.g4cb3)"

Carsten, shall I change to this?

Hi Bastien, yes, this would be much better.  Please go ahead.

- Carsten

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