On Sep 25, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> wrote:

Paul Burkander <p...@burkander.com> wrote:

Anyway, I solved my original problem, which as you might recall was
that I got an empty box when I tried to preview.

I installed texlive-latex-extras.  It has since worked.  If that
package is needed, it would be helpful to have it noted in the

Do you know what in texlive-latex-extra fixes the problem? It might
merit a mention in the org docs, but not everybody uses Debian/ Ubuntu, so
a more specific reference might be more useful.

Looks like the culprit is fullpage.sty - seems to be required by the LaTeX
code that org-preview-latex-fragment generates.

Hmm, may be we can remove fullpage.sty - nit sure if it
really needed, I just copied this part from some other package....

- Carsten

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