
So it took a little bit longer than I expected, but we are now ready
to accept beta testers to help finalize MobileOrg before submitting it
to the App Store.  There are some issues that still need polish, but
we are nearly feature complete.

There are several ways you can help:

* Bugs:  Please report any bugs or confusing behavior in the app.

* Documentation:  Located on the app's website.  It is brand new and
there are bound to be some confusing or incomplete sections.

* Website:  The app's website may have problems too, perhaps it
doesn't look right in your browser.  Please report any of these

* Ideas:  We are trying to keep the feature set tight for the 1.0
release in order to get it out there to everyone.  However, new ideas
are always welcome.

If you'd like to help us get to 1.0 smoothly, please send me an email
off-list with your device ID.  To retrieve your device ID:

1. Connect your iPod or iPod Touch to your machine
2. Choose your device in the source list in iTunes
3. Click the 'Summary' tab in iTunes.
4. Click on the 'Serial Number' label.  It should change to 'Identifier'.
5. Click on the Edit menu, then select 'Copy'
6. Paste the device ID in an email to me.

Alternatively, search for 'UDID Sender' by 'Inside Root Media' in the
App Store.  It is a small app that will simply email your device ID
to an email address of your choice.

I'll reply with further instructions to help you get started.

Thanks for your help!


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