
is there any kind of consensus about which of the two freemind exporters
is better?  Marco Vezzoli's is the one included with Org currently.
The other one is by Lennart.

Would anyone like to make a comparison?


- Carsten

On Sep 20, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Daniel Martins wrote:

One more vore for integration

I use FreeMind with my non-Emacs post-graduate students before thay
write anything with pretty good results.


PS I am considering Emacs as a requisite to be a post-graduate student!

2009/9/19 Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <frie...@nomaden.org>:

Carsten Dominik schrieb:

Interesting. I was talking about the org-freemind package in the
contrib dir of org. The emacswiki page talks about a completely
different library.

To make this one work, I have to convert my org file to oddeven levels
(since it checks if the level step is > 1), but then I can just open
the resulting freemind file with freemind 0.9.0~rc4 (from the
experimental branch of the debian repository).

So: Yay! Thanks! ;)

Maybe it would be worth considering to add this to the org-mode
documentation. Since it's already part of nxhtml it would probably be
useless to add it to org's contrib dir.

       Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <frie...@nomaden.org>
                            TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)

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