I seemed to have mixed my metaphors AND my text editors in my original

C-x n s
C-x n w
C-x n b

All work perfectly! And combined with the export command:

C-c C-e v

I can now print only the portions I want.

Thanks everyone!

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Matthew Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> wrote:
> Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> writes:
>> timetrap <timet...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> One of my favorite features in the vim out liner was the ability to
>>> "hoist" a sparse tree into a new temporary buffer.
>>> Is there a way to do this in org-mode?
>> Of course there is. This is emacs. ;)
> O.K. I just realized I missed the "sparse tree" in your question. I
> assume you mean by this org-mode definition of "sparse trees" (i.e.,
> trees with visibility limited to certain TODO, tags, or regexp matches)?
> I don't recall anything like org-mode sparse trees in the vim outliner,
> but it may have changed since I last used it.
> You can export only the visible portions of an org-mode outline by
> typing "C-c C-e v [SPACE]", but this will create a new, independent
> org-mode buffer. Any changes you make in this buffer will not affect the
> original file.
> - Matt

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