Carsten Dominik <> writes:
>> (defun sr-org-todo-state-toggled()
>>  "Start the clock, if the state of a todo item changes to 'STARTED'."
>>  (if(string= "STARTED" state)
>>      (org-clock-in)
>>    (org-clock-out-if-current)))
>> (setq org-after-todo-state-change-hook 'sr-org-todo-state-toggled)
> I don't think this can be the default, I am not sure all people
> would use it like this.  Bernt, for example, has many STARTED entries
> around at any time.

Same here. But working on exactly one at a time.

The hook function works only on the one task I toggle.

If I stop working on an STARTED task that is not yet finished, I use
`C-c C-x C-o' to clock out.

Switching a task from TODO to STARTED means I'm starting to work on it,
and therefor I want to clock in.

Switching the task to `DONE' means I'm done with it, and therefor I want
to clock out.

I found this on the list or somewhere, and it's exactly useful if, you
need/want to clock each task you work on.
Well, clocking work time is my primary use case for Org-mode.

I never switched tasks using the modeline menu yet. Maybe an additional
function is needed to clock out the current task and clock in the next
one, I don't know.  I tend to go back to the entry and add some notes,
e.g. how a problem was solved, and clock out then.

>> I have to admit, that I'm not aware of the defaults anymore (didn't use
>> them since a year or so). I'll have to create another user on my system,
>> to check :)
> Or just call org-submit-bug-report which will show you all your non-
> default
> settings, including hooks.

Ahh, that's a great tip.
Looking at the bug report, I cannot believe I set that many values
But, yes, it seems I did :)


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