
I think I'd chipped in here at one point, the idea is for routine
"timecards" a simple list of hours aggregated by date would be useful.

I could see aggregate hours for task by ALL dates unless otherwise

* Timecard

** Customer X
   CLOCK: [2009-09-01 Thu 09:00]--[2009-09-01 Thu 12:00] =>  3:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-02 Thu 09:00]--[2009-09-02 Thu 12:00] =>  3:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-03 Thu 09:00]--[2009-09-03 Thu 12:00] =>  3:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-04 Thu 09:00]--[2009-09-04 Thu 12:00] =>  3:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-05 Thu 09:00]--[2009-09-05 Thu 12:00] =>  3:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-01 Thu 12:00]--[2009-09-01 Thu 17:00] =>  5:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-02 Thu 12:00]--[2009-09-02 Thu 17:00] =>  5:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-03 Thu 12:00]--[2009-09-03 Thu 17:00] =>  5:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-04 Thu 12:00]--[2009-09-04 Thu 17:00] =>  5:00
   CLOCK: [2009-09-05 Thu 12:00]--[2009-09-05 Thu 17:00] =>  5:00

#+BEGIN timecard

|     *Date* | *Task*     | *Hours* |
| 2009-09-01 | Customer X |       8 |
| 2009-09-02 | Customer X |       8 |
| 2009-09-03 | Customer X |       8 |
| 2009-09-04 | Customer X |       8 |
| 2009-09-05 | Customer X |       8 |
|    *Total* |            |      40 |

I would anticipate that it may be optional to sort by date or by task
(if you include sublevels), though I have mixed feelings about adding
subtotal lines between aggregates.


FYI, I'm learning LISP as we speak! Perhaps I can start customizing
things soon!

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 05:51:45AM +0200, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2009, at 5:35 PM, S?bastien Vauban wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> Carsten Dominik wrote:
>>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Ivan Chernetsky wrote:
>>>> is it possible to publish clocked time of a TODO item?
>>> clocking lines are considered ugly and are therefore not included  
>>> during
>>> publishing. I could make an option for it... Are there more people
>>> interested?
>> Yes, quite interested, even if not absolutely required.
>> I needed that when I transferred my "billing" info to our company's
>> accountant, so that she was able to correctly bill the clients, and  
>> check that
>> I worked enough time on the month.
>> However, as the LaTeX export was quite empty of those info, I switched 
>> back to
>> sending the info as plain text email.
>> Though, would that be available, yes, I would definitely use it...
> No a single post in this thread does explain what exactly would be  
> useful.. :-(
> - Carsten
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