
Let me give a bit of feedback on the aspect of "I'm implementing GTD".

I do it a bit differently:

 * Projects are trees (or sub-trees) which have a :Project: Tag
 attached to them. They never have a TODO keyword of any kind.

 * Waiting-For items are tracked with a :WAITING: Tag. They never have
 a TODO keyword of any kind.

 * Only next actions get a todo keyword of TODO (or maybe DOING if
 they are work in progress)

 * Every tag is a potential context for me. The nice thing is that org
 let's me combine them, e.g. :Bob:Phone:

 * I use org's priority cookies exclusively as importance, ranging
 from A - C.

That way I can see a list of next actions immediately by typing C-a a
t, ordered by importance. With your system I fail to see how you can
get quick access to your next action list.

I also get a project list by typing C-a a p (tag match, with
tag-inheritance turned off), also ordered by priority.

Even though I keep todos, projects and reference material in one file
together, org-mode allows me to quickly filter by TODO (== Next Action
List) :Project: (== Project List) and any other Tag (== Context).

I also use active timestamps to designate tickler dates and :SCHEDULE:
and :DEADLINE: cookies for the "hard landscape" of the day.

Desmond Rivet schrieb:
> The problem is that I have to specify a heading for the template in
> org-remember-templates in the .emacs file.  This is okay when I want to
> jot down a new project, waiting item or *generic* next action, because
> all these items have fixed headings, but I don't know how to make this
> work when I don't know the heading ahead of time (remember that next
> actions associated with projects live under the project heading).

Sorry for not helping with your particular problem (It looks like you
might want to use C-1 C-c C-c or something like that), but:

It sounds like you're mixing up collecting and processing. You only
need to fill out the full context in the processing phase. At least I
use the remember interface for quickly jotting down a note, then get
back to work. The stuff I "remember" just goes into a Collect.org
file, which I later process as an inbox.

        Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <frie...@nomaden.org>
                             TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)

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