El dt, ago 25 2009 a les 09:56, Carsten Dominik va escriure:

> thing will break.  The real solution for this would be to
> switch to a programmed solution instead of a regular
> expression search.
  Or many regular expressions, one for each context: table, heading, comment, 
text, …
  Based on the context, you choose one or another. To know the context, there 
may be some text property set at each point.
  If Emacs had a way to check for a text property (or even a face) inside a 
regexp, this could be easier. You could still use a single expression which 
would direct to the context-specific part, like in:  
\p{heading}REGEXP_ONLY_FOR_HEADINGS\|\p{table}REGEXP_FOR_TABLES\|…   where 
\p{property} is the proposed addition to Emacs regexps.

  This was a minor issue, but making Emacs regexps more powerful would be nice.

-- Daniel


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