Another solution would be to use "f" and "b" to move forward and
backward in time.  Some other Agenda bindings would have to change to
accommodate this.  Old "f" (org-agenda-follow-mode) could become "F"
which is unused.  But "b" and "B" are both used and would need to be

Obviously this is not the easiest possible solution.  However, these
bindings would be very consistent with the conventions of most other
Emacs packages.

The agenda mode bindings are getting very crowded with many functions
and free keys are running out.  It may be time to start creating
prefix-keys/dispatchers a la Dired and Gnus.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 07:48, Carsten Dominik<> wrote:
> I tend to agree with the arguments that "n" and "p" should move
> vertically in the agenda buffer, because many Emacs modes do
> it like this.
> So it seem to me that this discussion should focus on which keys should
> move the agenda forward and backward in time.

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