Hi David,

On Aug 19, 2009, at 2:56 AM, David A. Gershman wrote:

Hi All,

I have my agenda as:

Tuesday    18 August 2009
   [...removed for simplicity...]
 reference:  19:25-19:40 Stuff
 reference:  19:40-20:00 Stuff
             20:00...... ----------------
 reference:  21:00-21:45 Stuff
 reference:  21:45-22:00 Stuff
 dag:        22:00-23:00 Stuff
             22:00...... ----------------
 reference:  23:00-23:30 Stuff
 reference:  23:30-23:45 Stuff

As you can see there is nothing from 20:00-21:00 so I have the
'------------' marker. But why does the marker still show up for 22:00
even though I have 'Stuff' set for 22:00-23:00?

Because we have so far not bothered to implement this in a better
way.  The only times that are removed are times where there is an
item starting on that time.

The reason why I did not go further with this is this:

If we are going to changes this, then is should be to a
interface with visually indicates the actual duration of
items in the time grid.  This is complex, and I do not
really know how to do this without a lot of effort.

- Carsten

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