Sometimes I find myself in the need of a clocklist (or clock log if you
prefer) rather than a clock table, that is a list of the clock lines
(cutting out any text after the "^\ *CLOCK\:\ ") with the path added to the
end, ordered by the clock start time in decending order. It would be great
to have this feature as a dynamic block function, (defun
org-dblock-write:clocklist....). The scope and block parameters from
clocktable would also be of great benefit. If the scope parameter is
implemented the path should probably be relative to that scope.

Below is an example of how I'd imagine the result. Is this a good idea at
all? Would it be hard to implement?


* a
any clock lines under this heading are not included
* b
  CLOCK: [2009-08-20 Thu 12:53]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:54] no colon
#+BEGIN: clocklist :scope tree :block 2009-08
[2009-08-20 Thu 12:58]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:59] comment : d/f
[2009-08-20 Thu 12:56]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:57] =>  0:01 : d/f
[2009-08-20 Thu 12:54]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:55] =>  0:01 : d
[2009-08-20 Thu 12:53]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:54] no colon
[2009-08-20 Thu 12:52]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:53] =>  0:01 : c
[2009-08-20 Thu 12:50]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:51] =>  0:01 : c
** c
   CLOCK: [2009-08-20 Thu 12:52]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:53] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2009-08-20 Thu 12:50]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:51] =>  0:01
** d
   CLOCK: [2009-08-20 Thu 12:54]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:55] =>  0:01
*** f
    CLOCK: [2009-08-20 Thu 12:58]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:59] comment
    CLOCK: [2009-08-20 Thu 12:56]--[2009-08-20 Thu 12:57] =>  0:01
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