Hi. I discovered org-mode only last week, when I was looking around
for Outline editors. It matched every last one of my requirements, and
THEN some. It's awesome, as I'm sure you all know. As an added bonus,
I can even access my outlines by connecting to my home machine through
my phone's SSH client (my phone has a hardware keyboard and can fit
80x24 characters on the screen). And I've been using Emacs on and off
since 1995, so it was a perfect fit for me. I am *blown away*.


When I work on items, I like to add little "log" or "diary" entries in
the text, describing things that have happened or things that I've
done. Like this:

* Get SAD 2.0.1 ready for shipping
DEADLINE: 2009-08-21
[2009-08-17 07:58] I've been asked to get 2.0.1 ready as soon as

** DONE Fix errors in version 2.0.0
CLOSED: [2009-08-17]
- [X] Log file ownership and permissions
- [X] Wrong permissions on /usr/local
- [X] Admin menu inaccessible
[2009-08-17 10:03] After some tinkering around, I managed to fix all

** TODO Test SAD 2.0.1
I should test using the latest replication software. I can get that
from Sven-Åke.

[2009-08-17 10:33] I need to find a machine to test with.

[2009-08-17 10:55] Found one! Carl says I can use his testing machine.

[2009-08-17 15:25] Ok, testing done. Found some bugs to fix.


See? Interspersed with the "normal" outline text, I put little log
notes, sometimes more than one per entry.

Now for my actual question: I want to see all these comments, from all
over the file in ONE place. Perhaps in the Agenda view? The timeline?
Perhaps in emacs's diary? It wouldn't hurt if this view also showed
when I had completed todos. The purpose of this would that I would be
able to look back at a specific day in the past, to see what I did
that day. This would be helpful when it's time to write the time

Is this possible?

                     -=-=- Christer Enfors -=-=-

       "I do my music in pure machine code using an assembler."
                            - Rob Hubbard

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