Hello, this looks like it might be a bug.
As the subject line says, set-auto-mode fails when org-startup-shrink-all-tables is t and file contains table.el tables. If my org file has a table.el table in it, like this +--+ | | +--+ then on finding the file I see the message `File mode specification error: (user-error Not at a table)' and the buffer isn't properly fontified. Debug-on-error isn't working for me with this issue right now, but the relevant code appears to be in org.el: (org-table-map-tables (cond ((and org-startup-align-all-tables org-startup-shrink-all-tables) (lambda () (org-table-align) (org-table-shrink))) (org-startup-align-all-tables #'org-table-align) (t #'org-table-shrink)) t) This apparently tries to call (org-table-shrink) on the table.el table, which doesn't work. Best, liv