Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

>> 1. Define a set of variables:
>>    + <menu-name>-actions (if actions is not already a variable)
>>    + <menu-name>-default-action (if not already a  variable)
>>    + <menu-name>-display (...)
> Yes, this is much nicer than putting those in org-menu- alists!
>>    + <menu-name>-menu-system (...)
>>    + <menu-name>-switch (...)
> If we end up with many menus, and I would like to use e.g. embark
> everywhere instead of the default, then it would be tedious to change
> all of these.
> Would it be a good idea to have org-menu-default-menu-system and
> org-menu-default-switch, make <menu-name>-menu-system and
> <menu-name>-switch be nil by default, and if they are nil use the values
> of org-menu-default-menu-system and org-menu-default-switch
> respectively?
> This way, it would be easy to change the defaults globally, but also
> possible to customize them per menu.

Maybe we start simple, and just have a single global setting for
menu-system and switch. If a need arises, we can add per-menu
customization. If further need arises, we introduce "override" version
of global setting.

> My preliminary plan for this was to keep using transient-define-prefix
> to create the <menu-name> command, this way we get the transient "for
> free", but change the body to something like
> (cond ((<switch logic>) <do default action>)
>       ((<menu system is 'transient>) <set up transient and scope>)
>       (t (org-menu--show-menu <menu system> <menu-name> args actions)))
> Would this be OK?


> I am currently a bit swamped with soon upcoming state exams in pediatric
> radiology, finishing an article and my doctoral thesis. However, I really 
> enjoy
> learning about elisp, appreciate your guidance, and will make sure to
> find time for this work (but I will be a bit slow).

No problem. I am happy to see consistent (even if slow) progress.
That's much better than no progress at all.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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