Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

>> So, my tentative plan is the following:
>> 1. You finish your patch for org-cite
>> 2. We will slightly generalize the patch, so that it can be used outside
>>    org-cite context (should not be too hard)
>> 3. We will look into converting transient menu layout into context menu
>>    keymaps and into which-key layout to see how it can work
> Sound good!
> 1. Here is the current version. The difference from the previous one is
> that the default action is customizeable.
> I have been testing this a bit geting an article through peer review,
> and it seens to work quite well=)

Here are more comments:

1. I am looking at C-- C-u prefix, and I am not sure if it is ideal
   What I think might be better is:
   - make a short C-- ('- argument) the switch
   - make the switch customizable (if users do not like C--)

2. DOI copy command will err without user-readable message if there is
   no DOI in a given BibTeX record. Instead, a user-error should be displayed

3. I think we should add "browse URL/DOI" command to the default
   menu. Also, "copy URL" - that makes sense as a companion to DOI (some
   references only have URL, but no DOI)

4. Moving towards my item (2) in the plan, we need to generalize
   (transient-define-prefix org-cite-basic-follow ...) into a macro that
   can work for arbitrary command; not just for `org-cite-basic-follow'.
   Let me know if you want my help on how to write such a macro.

5. If we are going to have multiple commands with menu+menuless
   versions, it probably makes sense to create a minor mode that will
   enable/disable menus everywhere. In other words, instead of
   individual commands having dedicated option like
   `org-cite-basic-follow-ask', we make a minor mode that can be
   enabled/disabled. That minor mode will have a global customization
   that will list which commands should use menus.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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