pinmacs <> writes: > There is a special case that might need a clarification in the orgmode > implementation and/or the org-syntax [0] > > The affiliated keyword, when it's before a dynamic block [1] it does not > work. > > Example: > > #+NAME: test > #+BEGIN: something-that-generates-a-table > | State | ID | Task | RESPONSIBLE | > |-------+----+---------+-------------| > | TODO | T1 | [[file:/tmp/*My > task][My task]] | Laura | > | TODO | T2 | > [[file:/tmp/*Task2][Task2]] | > Anna | > #+END:
What do you mean by "does not work"? It works just fine. You can refer to it - it is a name for the dynamic block itself. > It must be > > #+BEGIN: something-that-generates-a-table > #+NAME: test > | State | ID | Task | RESPONSIBLE | > |-------+----+---------+-------------| > | TODO | T1 | [[file:/tmp/*My > task][My task]] | Laura | > | TODO | T2 | > [[file:/tmp/*Task2][Task2]] | > Anna | > #+END: Maybe we can arrange Org to leave manually added affiliated keywords as is when updating the dblock, similar to what colview does. Another idea is > I think it is reasonable to say that a NAME given before a BEGIN dynamic > block element, applies to the thing that the dynamic block generates > > The ability to clearly identify elements of exported html document is > nice to improve the visibility of things, for example here I experienced > how a table that represents a kanban might be better visualized using > css and js [2] Then, it will be impossible to refer to the dynamic block itself. > Coming back to the org syntax, I suspect that the table rows are not an > exception, #+NAME before table rows is specifically what I am using to > identify the table, and what does not work when there is in the middle > the dynamic block May you elaborate? -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>