>>>>> Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>:

> After upgrading from emacs 29.something to 30.1 in debian, I am getting
> the folling error a lot:
>  The error was: (error "Tab width in Org files must be 8, not 4.  Please 
> adjust your ‘tab-width’ settings for Org mode")
>  Backtrace:
> nil
>  Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report).

> I have posted the error with org-submit-bug-report, but wondered if
> there is a workaround, because this problem was pretty annoying.

No workaround, but it turns out editorconfig was the culprit.

Bisected my .emacs and this was the culprit:

;; editorconfig formatting support
(when (locate-library "editorconfig")
  (editorconfig-mode 1)
  (setq editorconfig-exclude-regexps '("\\.jar$")))

Upgrading editorconfig to newest in melpa didn't help.

Neither did trying to exclude org files from editorconfig.

Ideas are welcome!


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