Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez <> writes:

>>> #+attr_latex: :foo bar
>>> Foo <file:~/Downloads/wallpaper.png>
>>> You patch will generate center environment in this example as well. It
>>> is not expected.
> Hi, just checking my notes… to fix dangling ends.
> What would be the intended behaviour here? Ignoring attributes that are not 
> image-specific? Which ones should be taken into account ? 
> - center:t
> - width: <dimension>
> - height: <dimension>
> Come to my mind 
> Or just ignoring all attributes.

Ignoring the attributes.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe that we need to replicate ox-html
behavior - ignore the attributes except the case when the image
is standalone (the only object in paragraph).

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
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