Hi – I’ve been running into a bug when using *inline* org babel blocks with
session and async, wherein the results of the inline org blocks overwrite
the results of the previous normal source block. This is happening for at
least python and bash.

I’ve confirmed that it reproduces with a minimal emacs config, and have
documented that here:
. To reproduce the bug, run the “minimal_emacs” cell in
reproduction_instructions.org and run the cells in the opened org file.

Alternatively, to reproduce the bug open emacs with the following:

emacs -Q --eval "(progn (require 'org) (require 'ob-python) (require
'ob-shell)  (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
'((python . t) (shell . t))))"

Then, create an org bash src block followed by an inline source block, with
header args instructing them both to use the same session and to use async,
and you should see the unexpected behavior after running both.

I would love some advice on what could be going wrong here. Thanks!

My system information is:
Emacs Version: GNU Emacs 30.1 (build 1, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, X
toolkit, cairo version 1.18.2, Xaw3d scroll bars)
Org Version: Org mode version 9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @



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