On Mon, Mar 03 2025, Colin Baxter <m43...@yandex.com> wrote:

> I want to plot from a table and use
> #+PLOT: title:"Whatever" ind:2 deps:(3 4) type:2d "with:lines" set:"yrange 
> [0:100]"
> Great, that works. The second column in the table gives me my x-axis, and
> the 3rd. and 4th. columns give me two graphs.
> Now I want the 3rd. column as histograms but keep the 4th. column as a
> line graph. The documentation reads, "specify a with option to be
> inserted for every col being plotted ..." Great, but it does not say
> how, or give an example. I have tried various combinations of
> with:histograms and with:lines, both within and without quotes, but all
> to no avail. So can some kind person let me have the secret and tell me
> how it's done!

It seems you want to do something like

#+PLOT: with:(lines hist) ...

Looking at org-plot.el, it looks like this can't be done with the
existing code.

Indeed, I understand that

"specify a with option to be inserted for every col being plotted ..."

means that the same `with' option is applied to each column.


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