Symbols exported by the common-lisp package should be explicitly prefixed so that users aren't required to be in a package that uses it. Currently this is a problem if I want to use org-babel to evaluate Coalton code, but I'm sure there are other cases where people want to evaluate code outside of the common-lisp package.
Here are steps to reproduce the issue I am fixing: 1. Start sly and load Coalton: - M-x sly - (asdf:load-system :coalton) 2. Enter the :coalton-user package, it does not use :cl - (in-package :coalton-user) 3. Evaluate the following org-babel src block: ``` #+begin_src lisp (coalton (1+ 1)) #+end_src ``` This signals the error below because it is using coalton:let instead of cl:let. ``` The operator LET is only valid in a Coalton expression. ``` With the patch attached, things behave properly. ``` #+begin_src lisp (coalton (1+ 1)) #+end_src #+RESULTS: : 2 ```
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