My package [1] does create :CREATED: properties by default, but only inactive 
timestamps, and definitely not when scheduling. 

So that's probably not it, but if you do have it installed... let me know, as 
that could be worth a double-check.


On Mon, 03 Mar 2025 07:44:09 -0800, Ken Mankoff <> wrote:

> [Sorry for the premature send. Apparently C-c C-s is also "send" in mu4e.]
> Hello,
> I'm seeing a new behavior on Org mode version 9.7.23 that I'd like to 
> disable. I cannot find mention of this is ORG-NEWS.
> When I schedule something for the first time, a :CREATED: property is now 
> generated with an active timestamp, meaning it shows up in the Agenda. For 
> example, after C-c C-s to schedule something, I see:
> * Test
> SCHEDULED: <2025-03-03 Mon>
> :CREATED:  <2025-03-03 Mon 07:34>
> :END:
> This is incorrect. "* Test" was created earlier, this is just when it was 
> first scheduled. But this :CREATED: property never used to show up. Can 
> someone recommend how I can disable this?
> Thanks,
>   -k.

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